Thursday, January 15, 2009

the unforgetable trip...

its monday... barista reached TM... its almost 9pm.. time its never a matter when it comes to my capucino.. when barista reached TM capucino fetched barista at the bus station.. barista was worried of capucinos well being.. for her to come so far from her house... but thank God she was safe.. all the angels of God protected my capucino at all times.. not wanting any misfortune to happen to her.. as barista was waiting for capucino at the bus stop with his luggages a bag of bak kua n a brand new cabinet just for my lovely capucino.barista was getting excited.. on wat to say to capucino.. thinking of the way capucino will smile when they met.. her lovely voice.. then not soon after capucino arrived at the bus station.. it took capucino about 10min to get to the bus station.. clad only with a pair of short pants.. on such a cold night.. barista's heart almost fell apart.. thinking of all the cold winds blowing on capucino's small pint sized body.. capucino wanted to look her best infront of barista.. yet she forgoten about her own.. its such a big sacrifice for my capucino.. the more time barista spent with capucino the more in love barista felt for her.. the feeling of care.. love.. warmth.. its ever more.. the feeling of love that can't fade away... after capucino pick barista from the bus station.. we set our journey back to capucino's house.. the cold long ride.. jus made barista felt how much capucino sacrificed for barista coming all the way to the bus station.. soon after we went for supper over in a coffee shop just around the corner.. over there barista ate cantonese fried keow teow.. and a serving of black pepper fried pork meat.. the food is not bad.. for a chef its about 40 mark given.. jus an average yes.. but with the company of capucino its all worth while.. barista fed her all the prawns.. and squid.. that capucino loved the most.. the rest barista cleared off.. after the meal when barista ask for the bill the worker complimented on "us" "he can easily pick you up with one hand".... then we laughed.. barista then went to a nearby 7eleven to get some toiletries.. n capucino bought her favourite appel flavoured chewing gum.. such sweet times.. then we scooted off back home on capucinos cute scooter... kikiki..its jus sweet... at home barista did what men should do n assemble the new cabinet for capucino.. then put all capucinos clothes in for capucino.. swept the floor.. n made his bed not far from capucino.. when barista planed to go to bed capucinos housemate got back from class.. amek... kiki then they invited us to tag along for mamak sesion in a nearby mamak shop. barista order a cup of limau ice as usual.. n capucino a cup of hot milk with a tarik feeling... kikiki.. there at that time there was amek, jennie,lou dao, ah siew, n the dai lou ah yen.. kikiki.. during the yam cha sesion baristas never took an eye off the tv.. kikiki.. tv addict.. sorry dear capucino.. lou kong still love to see capucino more than the tv.. but.. never the less.. there is not the time... cos too much attraction.. n we cant get to much attention.. kikiki... later we walked home holding hands.. kiki.. sweet... barista immediately take his bath n prepare for bed.. but capucino is still looking at the lap top.. its still early for capucino but barista is already juiced out.. time for shut down.. but barista dont want to disappoint capucino n forced to stay up.. yet barista auto shut down on capucinos bed.. then capucino woke barista up.. kikiki.. then barista slept on the floor.. with capucino aside.. hugging her tight.. like barista was afraid to lose her.. is all the sweet moments..the nite we slept side by side holding each other tightly.. then day 2 started.. its a hectic day for my capucino.. full schedule of classes to attend to.. but barista was never alone.. barista can feel that capucino is right beside him.. barista played with his psp.. played with babycino n babyrista... then sleep.. kikiki.. the best rest ever barista had..then capucino came back during lunch.. that time we went to a cafe named EGO just infront of capucino`s university..there we ordered tomato chicken.. capucino ate nasi lemak rendang.. a serving of fried dumpling n capucino`s favourite fried squid.. as for the drinks capucino orders longan lychee then capucino had honey milk.. ohh the food is just average.. but the moment and the deciration is not bad.. the onli problem is after the meal we smell like kitchen... kakaka..... barista then saw the most amazing things ever.. a spider building its nest.. such a wonderfull site.. watched live.. infront of baristas eyes.. the events of nature.. soon after capucino got back from class.. her voice shook the whole house.. TADAIMASU.. as she entered the house.. barista lauged.. capucino is so cute n pretty... just cant imagine to live with out her for one second of barista's life... later after capucino took her bath she already planned the night activities.. it started by having dinner over in a cafe named BLUE GARDEN.. capucino outfit was beautiful too.. she wore a green shirt and her favourite short pants...the journey there was nice n warm.. with the warm sweet hug by capucino.. as the scooter scooted up the hill.. it took us 15 mins to reach the destinated location.. then as we took our seat at the cafe barista took the initiative by ordering for my lovely capucino.. it's for sure she will love to drink capucino blended.. then barista ordered a different flavoured capucino float just for some one as lovely as her... for the main course we ordered mee hailam.. fish n chips.. and pepper chicken... as for the apetizer barista order capucinos favourite fried squid... kikiki.. then we 'kick table leg' again.... kiki.. so sweet.. we ate together.. the ambience the atmosphere the music.. the company of a lovely lady.. the memories... it's just beautiful.. it's plain but it's so perfect when capucino is's just as God has planned it for us in the future.. God has made it all perfect.. the weather was just nice.. windy n cool... it's just the best feeling that we ever had... that was not all.. after an amazing dinner we went sok ge... kikiki.. barista drove capucino back home to have her change... due to the cold weather, capucino changed into her long jeans.. we scooted around TM town n capucino's university.. with capucino telling barista where she attends her classes ..capucino took barista to her church.. then told barista where she had her bike accident.. barista heart start to ache again.. but if barista is weak who will make capucino strong.... its all implanted into barista memories.. kikiki... then we looked for the basketball court in TM.. wow the court is nice.. looking foward to play in that court in the future... then we drove all the way to proton city.. jus to sok ge in the park... the park there is beautiful jus a perfect place to go for a date.. just the 2 of us.. there I let capucino have an unforgetable memory.. as barista drove the scooter into the garden n sok ge inside the garden.. it was capucino's first time.. sok ge inside a beautiful park... the night ended when barista n capucino were all tired out from all the sok ge.. then we drove back home.. barista took his bath.. then slept with capucino within her arms.. its sweet n warm.. the kisses.. warm hugs.. the sweet smell of capucinos body.. her soft skin.. barista would wish to hug capucino each night... barista felt restless as barista will part from capucino again... barista's heart was heavy just to leave daylight slowly takes over the solemn moon barista's time is up.. as barista's heart sighed with sadness.. work is ahead... as we woke up early in the morning... the preparation for the journey back... yet we still find time to paktoh.. we took breakfast in a lovely noodle shop... capucino ate dry pan mee and barista took yee mee soup.. as barista bus is going to depart at 11a.m. capucino need to rush back to class... so we parted again......

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